Beers For Gamers

Beers For Gamers

SP01 - *Special Episode* Pint Peddlers - Beer to the People

January 30, 2015

Enough teasing. The wait is over. Here is the new podcast Jon had been mentioning in the previous couple B4G episodes. Jon was joined by Steven Martinez, owner and operator of Beer to the People, and they discussed his entry into the rarefied group of merchants of craft in the valley and some of his most treasured games from his youth and today. Steven also gives a glimpse of things possibly to come for the bar as we move into 2015 and beyond. Recorded 2 weeks ago (sorry for the delay), on location, is the very first episode of Pint Peddlers!

Music provided by Azureflux: Intro: “Popcorn Blastâ€, Outro: “Recklessâ€