BeerGuysTV BrewCasts - podcasts about beer.

BeerGuysTV BrewCasts - podcasts about beer.

BeerGuysTV BrewCast-Carnival Cruise Brewery Tour

February 12, 2020

We know it's been a while since we've post a BrewCast. We've been preoccupied. We finally had a moment where we could sit down and actually film something. We are a cruisin' for a brusin', we must say, so this BrewCast is all about brewing on a cruise ship.

Recently, BeerGuysTV Greg and Carol went to some warm weather and on a Carnival Cruise. While there they sat down with brewmaster Rob from the Pig & Anchor Brewhouse and asked him how brewing life on a cruise ship is. Enjoy a brew, while you watch this BGTV BrewCast.