Beer Guys Radio Craft Beer Podcast

Beer Guys Radio Craft Beer Podcast

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Celebrating Oktoberfest with Der Biergarten and Paulaner
September 23, 2023

Are you ready for an extra long Oktoberfest?The official Oktoberfest celebration in Munich is 18 days long this year, an extra 2 days over the typical 16 to include German Unity Day.If you're celebrating in America that doesn't matter because we

Oktoberfest Blind Beer Tasting Extravaganza Vol. 6
September 20, 2023

We're so busy festin' this year that we had to do an extra episode to work in our annual Oktoberfest blind beer tasting. But, we're dedicated so we made it happen.We (OK, Brian) grabbed 5 German and 5 American takes on the the Festbier and

Sipping Saisons and Shooting Oysters at Les Bon beer fest
September 16, 2023

Our beer fest tour continues...Last weekend we took our happy selves to Duluth, GA for the Les Bon Beer Festival hosted by our good friends at Good Word Brewing.Good Word always puts on a great event and this highly-curated selection of brewers and oyster

Crooked Hammock's Larry Horwitz hits his weekly limit
September 09, 2023

Did you see all the madness going around last week over the rumor that the Biden administration was going to tell Americans they can only have 2 beers a week? It was crazy and, from what we read, seemed to be an off the cuff comment blown out of proporti

Live from Terrapin Brewery with Spike Buckowski and Chad Martin
September 02, 2023

Last weekend we hung out with the crew at Terrapin Brewery Atlanta for the Live at the Battery beer fest. It was an awesome time filled with BBQ, beer, and great conversation.Joining us on the show we had Terrapin co-founder Spike Buckowski and lead brew

Brexit batters British brewers while drunken raccoons terrorize Germany
August 26, 2023

Apparently Germany has a raccoon problem. Drunken ones at that. The population has exploded in recent years and the furry troublemakers are breaking into homes, tearing stuff, and getting lit. They sound like they'd be cool to hangout with.We got

Maui Brewing leads wildfire relief, underwater aging, and Alaska is huuuge
August 19, 2023

Maui Brewing is leading efforts for wildfire reliefEarlier this week a fire ripped through the town of Lahaina on Maui. The losses were devastating, a nearly total loss of the entire city. Maui Brewing is leading the initiative for relief efforts throu

Tilray's Big Buy and pairing beer with tinned fish
August 12, 2023

We had to wing it this week...Unfortunately, our guest had a last minute emergency this week and we'll have to reschedule Larry for another time. It's cool, we've got this. We can always talk about beer.Canned Fish and Beer Pairing?One of

Marcus Baskerville talks Black is Beautiful and National Black Brewers Association
August 05, 2023

Black is Beautiful Vol. 2 is comingMarcus Baskerville of Weathered Souls Brewing didn't intend to start a movement when he created his Black is Beautiful beer. Intentional or not, the movement happened, with 1,200+ breweries across all 50 states and

Altered Yeast, Leinenkugel strikes, and solar-powered hops
July 29, 2023

What do you think of GMO yeast in your beer?They're definitely controversial, but there are some interesting things being done with GMO yeasts like "diacetyl-free" yeast, or yeasts like Sourivisae that produce lactic acid.  Recently, thioli