Becoming Human

Becoming Human

#162 | Peter Peak - Love, Music, and Connection

August 27, 2021

Peter Peak is a hip-hop artist under the moniker knw.1ne, a paraprofessional for disabled youth, and pursuing a career as a music teacher. I went to an alternative high school in North Idaho with Peter. The kids at the high school faced a variety of adversities that made accessing education difficult. I find it beautiful when people can find a way to overcome their hardships and find the lifestyle that fits them best. Peter started with hip-hop and skating in high school. He has now spent over a decade developing his skillset. Developing a recreational skillset in adulthood is a fulfilling way to pursue learning. Peter found another passion along the way, helping teach youth with disabilities.

Checkout Peter on soundcloud at

You can find him on Instagram @knw.1ne