Oregon’s Battery Russell attacked by the I-25 Submarine

December 26, 2015

As dawn broke over the east coast of Japan on November 21, 1941, no one believed things would ever be the same again.

The air was electric with anxiety and anticipation.  No one knew what would happen during the next two weeks.  But everyone knew their lives would be changed forever.

November 21 was a Friday.  In the United States, families were making plans for next week’s Thanksgiving holiday.  The upcoming weekend, for most, would be busy making preparations – getting ready to travel, planning the holiday meal.

Nationally, the economy was still recovering from the Great Depression when as many as 1 out of every 4 workers couldn’t find a job.  It had been a devastating decade, demoralizing the can-do spirit that was America’s hallmark.

And everyone was casting a wary eye across the Atlantic towards Europe where Hitler’s plans looked clear and frightening.  What wasn’t known was where he would strike next.

It was against this backdrop that Americans started thinking, in 1941, what they were thankful for.

One of the reasons why things would never be the same again – for millions of people around the world - was on that Friday morning, a Japanese submarine known simply as “I-25” – the Japanese didn’t name their submarines – started its two 12,000 horsepower engines – and with its crew of 94 officers and men headed its bow eastward into the Pacific Ocean.
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