The Beatles Last Year Together – Part Two

April 03, 2017

Last week we posted a podcast that was the first part of our radio program about The Beatles last year together.
It began the story of the breakup of The Beatles and offered an explanation for why one of the greatest musical groups ever couldn’t stay together.
Best of all, you got to hear in that first episode some of The Beatles’ humor and finest work.
And in that first episode I introduced my explanation for why The Beatles broke up.
The reason, I think, wasn’t the lack of privacy and unrelenting pressure to produce and perform.  Certainly they added to the larger problem that The Beatles couldn’t solve.
The beginning of the end of The Beatles began 20 months before they came together for the last time in January 1969.
When we think of The Beatles, most of us think only of John, Paul, George and Ringo, the band’s four performers.  But there was a fifth Beatle – Brian Epstein.  He was the strategic glue that held the band together and kept them focused on why they were doing what they did.
The Beatles knew they were in trouble after Epstein’s untimely death – he was only 32 at the time – but they didn’t know what to do about it.
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