The Personal Finance Show

The Personal Finance Show

Latest Episodes

91 - Robert Brown
July 18, 2019

Robert Brown wants you to not be afraid of a little hard work. Robert grew up on a dairy farm. His father worked the farm while also working a full-time job at General Motors. Robert learned about working for money early and also about patience and dela..

90 - Sonya Smith-Valentine
July 11, 2019

  Sonya Smith-Valentine wants you to be Financially Fierce. Sonya has an accounting degree and a law degree. She is a CPA and a lawyer, and has worked professionally as both. Sonya has worked for legal aid in New York and Maryland, and later started a la.

89 - J. Money
July 04, 2019

J. Money wants you to know that Budgets Are Sexy. That’s the title of the personal finance blog that he started 11 years ago, and even though you may never think budgets are sexy, the point that J. is trying to get across is that personal finance doesn’..

88 - Ericka Young
June 27, 2019

Ericka Young wants you to be intentional and have a plan before you spend any money. This applies to every single situation that involves money, which is pretty much everything. As Paula Pant says at the beginning of her podcast, you can afford anything..

87 - Robert Farrington
June 20, 2019

Robert Farrington wants you to think before you click the button and accept your student loans. Getting an education is an investment and you should spend some time thinking about what you’re investing in and what kind of return your investment will pro..

86 - Stacy Yanchuk-Oleksy
June 13, 2019

Stacy Yanchuk-Oleksy wants you to see a non-profit credit counsellor if you have credit problems. Stacy is Director of Education and Community Awareness at the Credit Counselling Society. If you’ve listened to episode 76 of the show, you know that I had..

85 - Shanah Bell
June 06, 2019

Shanah Bell wants you to lead a happy, unorthodox life. You can be successful without following the traditional 9 to 5 career path option. It’s true. But to get there, you have to be open to opportunity and change, and sometimes you have to be a bit of ..

84 - Sandy Yong
May 30, 2019

Sandy Yong wants everyone to learn about personal finance so that their future self can thank them for it. Sandy figured out early on that if you give your money to the big banks, and don’t know what you want to invest in, they will choose the ones with..

83 - Ed Rempel
May 23, 2019

Ed Rempel wants you to know that the conventional personal finance wisdom most people follow, might not be the best for your financial situation. Unconventional wisdom, as he calls it, might be your path to financial success. Ed has been a financial pla..

77 - Saijal Patel
April 11, 2019

Saijal Patel wants you to know that women are 80% more likely to live in poverty in retirement than men. This is a terrible statistic. Seriously, why is anyone living in poverty in retirement. If someone is retired, that means they have either worked at..