The Personal Finance Show

The Personal Finance Show

COVID-19 Weekly Update 13

June 21, 2020

Week 13 of the COVID-19 series features Jackie Porter

Jackie is a Canadian CFP, author of "Single by Choice or Chance", financial confidant, and recent winner of the Mackenzie Investments award for "Female Trailblazer of the Year".

In this episode we discussed:

-Jackie's book and the importance of financial empowerment.

-COVID-19 stories from Jackie's financial planning clients and how "we're all in this together but differently".

-The importance of being able to pivot and constantly having "beginner's mind" and learning experiences in business and in life.

-Jackie's personal experience with racism in her industry and personal life and how she has been impacted by the anti-racist protests going on in the world right now.

Jackie will be back to tell her full personal finance story on a future episode, but in the meantime, if you want to hear more about her background, please check out this episode of the Mind Your Business podcast: