A Blonde, A Brunette, and A Redhead

A Blonde, A Brunette, and A Redhead

Happy Mother's Day

May 16, 2018


In true BBR fashion we want to take a moment to celebrate and honor the Mamas in our lives. Yes...we KNOW we are a few days late. But that just means that we can extend the Motherly celebration!

Listen in as we cover what's in our cups (so thrilling), what you'll never guess, and finally get to the meat and potatoes of the episode: What we've learned from our moms.

Let us know what motherly advice you've received - we love hearing from you!

As always, drop us a line (bbrthepodcast@gmail.com), find us on Instagram or Twitter (@bbrthepodcast), and find us on Facebook (facebook.com/groups/bbrthepodcast). Thank you to the most recent rating on iTunes - those mean so much to us!!

And remember: We love you!