

Is Back ‘Busting Out Ballads ‘Bout Beloved Burritos and Batman

March 29, 2015

Surprise! It's an all-new episode with your favorite podcast personalities that aren't actually famous or Chris Hardwick. Since last we left our plump buddies, Jeremy has become a totally hairless karate master and Jason has watched Double Dragon and subsisted on beard leavings. Enough foreplay, here's what you're getting yourself into:

To beard or not to beard? The Radio Bros. (#Branding) explore that weighty question.
Ninja matters.
An all-new edition of "The Rapid Report" with rapid fire snarkitudeiosity about the Coach reboot, Super Troopers 2, Mr. T and hammers, Fraggle Rock, the spectre of Radio Shack, and Vin Diesel's Oscar wishes.
An in-depth appraisal of Jesse Eisenberg's look for Batman v. Superman. ("He bald")
Avengers: Infinity War's new directors, the possibility of a pre-teen Spider-Man, and our generational slide toward a foul and certain abyss of pop culture irrelevancy while 17-year-olds cackle and communicate only in emojis and dagger stares.
Idris Elba may play the villain AND the Enterprise AND a tribble in Star Trek 3
There are going to be many Ghostbusters movies. Idris Elba will star in all of them as well.
George R. R. Martin doesn't understand why people are angry about spoilers.
Country fried bullshit about the The Last Man On Earth and the evilness of margarita pools, fountain pooping, and porn-havin.
A story of theoretical action figure loss.

And, of course, #TacoTalk, wherein Jeremy and Jason praise Danny Trejo as a taco business futurist, imagine the full breadth of the Pope's pizza adventure, and yell at people who are afraid to get covered in pizza grease (pepperoni ejaculate #Branding) when they grab a slice.

RadioBastard: Your semi-weekly excuse to feel joy without the benefit of self-molestation, barbecue, or sin juice since 2012.