

Kicks Off #FebruMurray with Trailergasam Bowl III and the Defunding of Kickstarter

February 07, 2015

Yes, that podcast is back and this time they are bringing hell with them, hell in the form of a pile of trailers in the annual Trailergasam Bowl™ and the return of everyone's favorite month FebruMurray™. Twenty eight solid days celebrating the celestial thunder that is Bill Murray (trademark on 'celestial thunder' pending.) Plus nerd news, TacoTalk and more on this weeks show!

The gift of Hudson Hawk and intermediate dungeons and dragons character creation.
wanna make Blazing Saddles offensive to all people? Add animated doggies and kitties.
Jeremy and Jason kick off the crowd fund counter movement with Dickstarter - a way to de-fund atrocious film projects (assuming they can afford the domain name... if only there was a way to crowd-source financing for that.)
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is getting Kevin Spacey to play a man in a cats body.
Bad news for people who thought they could wear their gimp suits and bring their vibrators to see 50 Shades of Grey.
Chris Pratt trains raptors how to dance in the Jurassic World trailer.
Bukkake Mark and the Funky Bunch in the Ted 2 trailer.
Where is George Clooney taking us in the Tomorrowland trailer?
The trailer discussion that nobody wanted for the Heroes reboot nobody wanted
Dark and moody Daredevil
And a life lesson about plain burger ordering, the debut of the new gameshow Buy a Honda or a bottle of 'Secret Sauce,' artisan donuts, and kangaroo adventures in playland on #TacoTalk.

All that and a look at the start of Bill Murray's SNL dominance and Bill Murrayness as #FebruMurray kicks off on RadioBastard.