Basketball Buddha

Basketball Buddha

Chinese coach throws a cup at fans [UPDATED]

February 19, 2014

Okay so this wasn’t as wild as Ron Artest’s 2004 ‘Malice at the Palace’ but it was still crazy to say the least.

It’s the first game of a best-of-five quarterfinal series between Liaoning Leopards and Xinjiang Tigers. Under five seconds remaining in the game, it’s a tie game, 91-91, the underdog Leopards have the ball, 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds, the Liaoning home crowd is on their feet, 2 seconds, 1.4 seconds, FOUL!

The crowd goes wild as they get a chance to see their home team win the game at the free-throw line. The arena is in a perfect pandaemonium. But wait, one person in the arena is down right pissed off and can’t/won’t believe what just happened.


Xinjiang head coach Cui Wan Jun is at mid-court arguing the call with the referee. Angry is an understatement. He is down right pissed off when all of a sudden a cup comes flying out of nowhere striking the short tempered coach.

What does he do next? Well, watch the video below to find out.


The CBA announced an official warning for coach Cui. The coach will serve no suspension for taking a cup from the floor and launching at fans.

Coach Cui was among John Calipari’s NCAA runner up 2007-2008 Memphis Tigers coaching staff.

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