Bartender HQ Podcast : Bar Culture, Cocktails and Flair Bartending for Everyone.

Bartender HQ Podcast : Bar Culture, Cocktails and Flair Bartending for Everyone.

Bartender’s Breakfast – Reconnecting.

March 27, 2020

On this Bartender’s Breakfast we’re talking about reconnecting with friends and family from the past.

During these unprecedented times, If you’re isolating with family, make the most of that time. Try to get outdoors in your garden or any outside space you have. You don’t need to walk in the wood to appreciate a little nature, just sitting in a yard or on a balcony can make all the difference.

Take the time when you might normally have been working to call friends you’ve not spoken to for a while, or use FaceTime to keep in touch with older relatives or anyone you think may be lonely.

The reduced commuting is already reducing pollution and stress, lets hope that post isolation many businesses realise not everything has to be in person and allow more flexible work for their teams. Some good can come of this.

Have a great weekend.