The Barnsey Podcast

The Barnsey Podcast

Ep # 8 - with Jezza B - The Barnsey Podcast

November 30, 2014

Episode 8 [originally aired Nov 30th, 2014]
Episode 8 has a new guest Jezza B joining us, coming from the brand new studio for The Barnsey Podcast. We talk about moving the setup to the new place and go through several topics such as
* the new JJ Abrams Star Wars trailers
* The Antikythera Mechanism and ancient structures/technologies
* Stories of back 18+ years ago when barnsey and Jezza were flat mates
* The tragic death of cricketer Phillip Hughes, will this change cricket?
* Jacqui Lambie leaves PUP, and the lack of decent political 3rd parties
* Fashion labels with porn names slightly tweaked
* Ferguson riots and police brutality, all cops should have to wear go-pro cameras

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