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In the frame

Innovation and empowerment: What is Possible?

December 01, 2020

Whilst the pandemic has placed immense strain on the majority of businesses, it has forced rapid transformation in order to adapt to the new, digital world. Research has shown that companies who have adapted through innovation and empowerment have been most successful in thriving during this time, rather than just surviving. But which of these changes do we really want to hang on to as Covid-19 becomes history - which of these adaptations do we want to become permanent transformations?
From the basics of e-signatures, to the re-strategising from physical businesses to online platforms, innovation has been turbo-charged by Covid-19. Empowerment has led to process and product improvements, acceleration of decision-making, and a heightened resilience from employees. We need to ask ourselves what this pandemic has done positively for the culture of our businesses, and what do we really want to hang on to?
We invited our host and Barclays experts to dive into the different ways companies across sectors have mastered adaptation during this time.