The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Should You Use the BCC Field in Client Emails? - CLS027

April 08, 2016

Full show notes:
It's questions and ACTIONS Friday!
Today's question comes from Pam, who writes:
“A corporate client told me she is going to "bcc" me on some mails. She said it would be useful information, but I wasn't sure how to respond. I don't really use BCC myself and not sure I feel right a client bcc'ing me on internal mail.
Am I making too big a deal of this? Should I even say anything or just get the emails and go from there?”
Pam, this is an excellent question and something that comes up a LOT in company and government environments.
Many people either don't understand when to use CC, BCC, or neither. Or, the risks of CC and BCC.
Many newer email programs actually hide the BCC field (there's usually a button or option to enable it)...
...presumably so we don't go bcc'ing folks on stuff and think more about what we're sending, why we're sending it, and to whom we're sending.
I run into this a lot in our business consulting practice and have some definite opinions about cc, bcc, and email in general. I'll explain the differences, then share recommendations on when to—and NOT to—use the BCC field.