Bangarang Radio

Bangarang Radio

Pop-Punk & Pizza #110: 10 Songs for September 2020

September 10, 2020

Catholic Guilt

Hey there! I hope September has greeted you with nothing but warm positive feelings. Yes, there's a lot of crazy things happening in the world, but that's nothing new, right? September is a special month because as of the 20th, Pop-Punk & Pizza will be four years old! What an amazing four years it has been. My heart is filled with nothing but gratitude for all the love and support the podcast has received from you this past four years. I can't express enough how thankful I am for you. Every year, the podcast has continued to improve and grow with your help. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to all the guests, bands, publicists, managers, and listeners of Pop-Punk & Pizza. Here's to many more years together!Here's 10 songs to jam out to for September 2020:

* "Til We're Dead" - Guardrail
* "Bad Guy" - Of Brighter Skies (Not a Billie Eilish cover.)
* "Not Another Pop-Punk Song" - Fluorescents
* "Japanese" - Worry Club
* "We Remain" - Don't Sleep
* "Intergalactic Reptilian Shedders" - Fuck Yeah, Dinosaurs!
* "Ft. Lauderdale" - The Inevitables
* "Cockatiel Boy" - The Lousekateers
* "Partition (Party's Over)" - All The Time Everywhere
* "A Boutique Affair" - Catholic Guilt

Also, I made a playlist of all ten songs you can listen to on Spotify:

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Much Love,

Jacques LaMore