Balls Radio

Balls Radio

Lose an election, lose your house, lose your leg

May 23, 2016

As Trump prepares to lose an election, Aussies should get ready to lose their house, as a Kiwi migrant loses a leg. That and more on this week's Balls Radio.

00:00 Introduction
02:00 The economy's new normal
08:23 EU referendum is turning nasty
13:43 Labour's racist deja-vu
16:02 Trump's imaginery invite
18:03 The Sun's minor apology
20:52 Why Spotify won't reign supreme
23:43 US elections high on negativity
34:07 Peter Dutton anti-immigration minister
36:52 NZ's Rugby 7s loss is all part of the strategy for Brazil
39:43 New Zealand doesn't want a Brexit
41:48 Trapped in Otago - this wasn't in the brochure
44:04 Kiwi to lose an arm in detention
46:40 New Zealand's beer wins 13 gold medals
51:16 Queensland Premier wants to stop Struggle Street
53:20 Obama to lift overtime threshold
57:55 McDonalds experiments with real beef
1:06:00 Why house prices will fall
1:10:18 What's the Big Idea - beating congestion
1:21:12 Britain's dog alert level is high
1:24:13 Is the BBC becoming a state broadcaster?
1:29:50 The UK's last cigarette
1:33:07 Happy Frankeinstein's birthday
1:36:07 World's Worst Record - Wunderbar