Balls Radio

Balls Radio

Sheehan and Trump and their struggle with the truth

February 28, 2016

Trumps lie, Sheehan’s rant and Alan Jones confusion over international trade – all given the Balls Radio treatment this week.

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00:00 Introduction
02:00 Paul Sheehan’s latest fiction
09:03 Trump’s lies
25:46 Jones’ false logic on national interest
30:07 Cyclone Winston – second biggest so far
33:25 Crowdsourcing a beach
35:37 Pastafarian marriage – now recognised in NZ
38:29 The $400k doctor gig in Tokoroa
40.14 Hard times for Kim Dotcom
43.15 A Big Idea: supermarket queues for talkers
46.15 Will Guantamo Bay ever close?
52.30 Kids with hand guns. What could possibly go wrong?