Balls Radio

Balls Radio

Sydney - a city without a coherent plan. Here's why.

October 25, 2015

This week Balls Radio suggests how to fix Sydney's seemingly random approach to transport planning.

Plus, the Rugby World Cup, the TalkTalk hack, Joe Biden, Bengahzi and Xi Jinping's holiday in the UK.


01:18 Sydney’s transport planning debacle
09:10 Joe Biden steps down in Presidential race
14:34 Benghazi – nothing to pin on Hillary
21:07 TalkTalk hack & other UK stories
24:33 No to a sugar tax
26:36 What’s the big Idea: climate change, buskers, manflu and a new soccer
35:00 Housings day of reckoning
38:34 The Rugby World Cup
42:30 NZ’s chauvinist recruitment
44:30 Westpac does a Groupon
46:50 More on what Exxon knew of climate change
50:55 Tesla Model S given a bad report card