Badass Agile

Badass Agile

Latest Episodes

The Future of Badass Agile?
July 23, 2024

I'm shifting from traditional scrum and agile topics to core principles of simplicity and wellness, creativity and innovation. If Scrum Masters and Agile Coach roles disappeared completely, we'd be ok

Intentional Design with Adam Smith of Tension
May 27, 2024

A chat with Adam Smith, founder of Tension Consulting to discuss intentional design, doing what's best for your clients, taking risks, and staying agile as an entrepreneur.

We’re Not Listening To The Business
April 28, 2024

When we discuss and debate agile, we talk about a lot of issues, but there's one group who is never invited to the table...the people we serve. We're not listening to the business.

The Biology of Leadership with Carl Oxholm
April 22, 2024

Carl Oxholm, CEO of Virtue Compass, returns to the Badass Agile Podcast to discuss a leader's energies, and how they relate to impact and effectiveness in his new book "The Biology of Leadership", av

Lead On Your Own Terms
April 17, 2024

Time to work on your own terms. Four years after the global pandemic, work - and why we do it - has changed. You have a choice to make. You can live by the guide, follow the rules and show up the s

Going Against The Grain
April 02, 2024

You have to think differently in order to achieve extraordinary results. Embracing uncertainty, challenging established norms, and transcending accepted conversations can lead to meaningful and lastin

3 Signs You’re Addicted to Process
March 05, 2024

Let's look at the 3 Signs You're Addicted to Process. and provide insights on overcoming it. I emphasize the significance of focusing on core principles and adapting to change in the dynamic world of

Why Are We Afraid Of The Word “Do”?
February 29, 2024

In this episode, "Why Are We Afraid of the word 'DO,'" I want to talk to you about accountability and commitment in the agile leadership space. You're not paid to obey the Scrum're paid to

State of Agile Report 2024 Review
February 19, 2024

Let's discuss the 2024 State of Agile Report and its implications for your practice. For the first time, we seem to be able to admit that Agile is drowning in the large enterprise space. So what doe

The Year Of The Agile Entrepreneur
February 06, 2024

In this episode, I discuss my prediction that 2024 will be the year of The Agile Entrepreneur practitioner. It's time for a shift in mindset and skills required to thrive in the evolving marketplace -
