GC: Backstage Pass

GC: Backstage Pass

Music Review – The Hotelier “Home, Like Noplace Is There”

April 17, 2014

Pop-punk collided with Emo-rock and hit critical mass in the early 2000s with bands like Death Cab For Cutie, Saves The Day, New Found Glory and The Ataris taking over the airwaves all over the country. The trend seemed to die off culturally in the mid to late 2000s and seemed to head back underground by 2010. Enter Worcester, MA’s The Hotelier (previously called The Hotel Year) who seem to argue that melodic punk rock is not dead and very much alive. Their debut album It Never Goes Out hit in 2011 and has been a moderate success putting the band on the map and turning heads back toward this genre who some can argue has never left.