The Buenos Aires PodCastThe Buenos Aires PodCast

The Buenos Aires PodCastThe Buenos Aires PodCast

S4 E22: Alpargatas y Pelopinchos en Soweto y Londres

April 09, 2014

On this week’s episode, we talk to Enzo Buono, Argentine music producer living in California, and a member of the Playing for Change foundation, a group that records street musicians from all over the world, bringing peoples and cultures together.

We also talk to Melanie Henderson, our Argy-Brit journalist/singer friend, who tells us how much her hometown London has changed since she became an expat in BA. And she introduces the latest BA Cast song she sang!

And the Spanglish Playground features nouns that come from brands.

BA Cast #23 8/4/2014 :: Radio Led Podcasts

BA Cast #23 8/4/2014 :: Radio Led Podcasts