B2B Content Marketing Leaders

B2B Content Marketing Leaders

Megan Tonzi, Director of Marketing at QuotaFactory - The B2B Marketing Leaders Podcast

March 18, 2015

Megan is the Director of Marketing at QuotaFactory
As the Director of Marketing at QuotaFactory (http://www.quotafactory.com) she's responsible for the startup's marketing strategy, which includes: content marketing, social media, sales enablement and demand generation. Megan is a marketing/sales alignment and social selling thought leader and prolific blogger. Her work has been featured by Hubspot (http://blog.hubspot.com/sales/author/megan-tonzi), AG Saleswork (http://www.agsalesworks.com/blog-sales-prospecting-perspectives/author/megan-tonzi), Salesforce.com, (http://blogs.salesforce.com/company/2014/09/how-keep-your-marketing-machine-in-line-with-sales-gp.html) RingLead (https://www.ringlead.com/blog/author/megan-tonzi/) among many others.

Press Play! Start listening to Megan Tonzi share her sales & marketing wisdom for FREE! 20 minutes of pure gold and if you want preview some of her best nuggets from this podcast just check out: QuotaFactory Podcast Summary (http://www.triblio.com/blog/quotafactory)

Beginning of Transcript

Megan Tonzi: Yeah. So I’m the director of marketing at QuotaFactory. I oversee the marketing strategy. I execute on strategy and I also manage sales enablement responsibilities. QuotaFactory is a sales acceleration platform and methodology. It was formed due to success in technological advancements from its sister company AG Salesworks, and I’ve been working with QuotaFactory and AG Salesworks for about 1-1/2 year now. So it’s been pretty exciting to fill these advancements we’ve made, and for 2015, I’m really optimistic. I think this is going to be a really big year for both sales and marketing.


Jeff Zelaya: Now Megan, over the past few years, I would say that the sales environment has been changing dramatically. I mean we’re seeing more talk about social selling, about sales enablement, and just the buyer has fundamentally changed as well, the way the people are making buying decisions. How have you seen it change, and you know, what kind of advice would you have to organizations that are trying to adapt to these changes that are happening in the sales culture?


Megan Tonzi: You know Jeff, I think this is a great question, and without taking up the whole time, I’ll try to be brief in answering this. It seems that sales is not only the department that’s been in transition, but also group marketing into that question and ask how has sales marketing changed and how have those two impacted each department. I believe that sales and marketing are just in terms of segmenting and prospecting and they’re diving deeper into buyer personas so they’re getting better insight on how to really help our prospects out with their challenges.

And I mean in addition to that, we know more information around each contact gathered from social, from behaviors on websites, so it’s making the prospecting efforts more personable and impactful as well. So I think you’re going to see the segmentation in sales and marketing, and you’re also going to see that the more personable approach within that prospecting efforts whether it’s from the top sales and marketing down to sales.


Jeff Zelaya: I agree. I mean the personal approach for me has worked very well, and then you did a blog post about that recently, about you know, a lot of sales people are very sometimes generic with their cold calling efforts and those folks are not sending out their noise, but the ones that take the time to be personal and really are targeted for who they’re reaching out to, those are the ones that stand out and the ones that you respond to. So totally agree on that point. And another kind of trend that we see a lot of talk about, very, it’s emerging, and I think this is a huge year for sales enablement and what... You know, first of all, for the people that don’t know, what is sales enablement and how does it tie in to your job, and why is that important at all in the B2B space?

