A Year Ago Today

A Year Ago Today

Ep 207 with Gabriela Brunner, "Same shit, different office."

May 10, 2018

A Year Ago Today... Gabriela and her family moved from Minnesota to Illinois, her husband's family home.

To learn about Gabi's new offering, GO HERE: http://thenewfirm.co/shop/the-guided-career/

OR GO STRAIGHT AHEAD AND SCHEDULE A CALL! That's here: https://thenewfirm.as.me/theguidedcareer

Learn more about her children's book here: http://thenewfirm.co/shop/mama-where-is-the-truth/

Follow her (and me!) on instagram: @thenewfirm.co // @gabriela.brunner // @ayearagopodcast // @tylafowler

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