Axis Astrology Podcast

Axis Astrology Podcast

014—Axis Astrology Podcast “Taurus” (April 6-19, 2014)

April 08, 2014

Listen/Download: 014—Axis Astrology Podcast: “Taurus”

Planetary transits for April 6-19, 2014:

7-Apr-2014 Mercury in Aries: Enthusiastic, blunt, wise-cracking, bold, quick-tempered, ego-driven, loud

8-Apr-2014 Sun opposite Mars: Confrontation, ego challenges, defensiveness, meeting force with force

11-Apr-2014 Venus conjunct Neptune: Glamour, romance, imagination, manipulation, seduction, deceit

14-Apr-2014 Mercury square Jupiter: Too much information, ethical dilema, indecision, fairness vs. right

14-Apr-2014 Mercury conjunct Uranus: Flashes of insight, creative spark, feeling inspired, being clever

14-Apr-2014 Pluto retrograde (until Sep 23): time to reflect & assimilate hidden meanings & motivations

14-Apr-2014 Mercury square Pluto: Fight the power, speak your truth but be prepared for the fallout

15-Apr-2014 Mercury opposite Mars: Picking fights, bickering, battles of wit, conflicts with neighbors

17-Apr-2014 Venus trine Jupiter: Generosity of heart, compassion, big gestures in love, idealism, passion

19-Apr-2014 Sun in Taurus: Determined, sensual, materialistic, musical ability esp. singing/vocalist, solid

19-Apr-2014 Jupiter square Uranus: Electrical storms, ingenious breakthroughs, maximum disruption

Moon phases:

Total Lunar Eclipse: April 15, 2014

Book Reviews:

Arwynne reviews The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers. A surprisingly insightful, beginner-friendly coffee table book full of interesting astrological tidbits and the bare minimum of jargon. Sure to spark conversation and delight the guests at your next cocktail party. Check out their website where you can also download the app.

Alison reviews the 2014 WellBeing Astrology Guide magazine.



Alison will be a guest on Your Astrology NOW with S. Brenda Black, Wednesday, April 9 at 10 am PST/1 pm EST.


Astrology 360 Topic of the Day: Taurus

Sun and Moon in Taurus:

Daniel Day Lewis

Katharine Hepburn

Karl Marx

Florence Nightingale

Bernard Madoff


Sun & Ascendant in Taurus:

David Beckham

George Lucas

Eva (Evita) Peron

Donatella Versace

William Randolph Hearst


Musical Taurus

Les Paul (Guitar legend)

Dionne Warwick (Singer)

Irving Berlin (Composer)

Maria Caniglia (Soprano)

Max Steiner (Composer)


Totally Taurean

Katharine Hepburn (12 May 1907 at 17:47 in Hartford, CT) was an American actress known for her headstrong independence and spirited personality. Hepburn was a leading lady in Hollywood for more than 60 years. She had 12 Oscar nominations and four Oscar wins—more than any actor to date, although Meryl Streep has now tied her for nominations, but never attended the ceremony when she was nominated, although she did present a lifetime achievement award in later years. Hepburn became well known for playing strong, independent female characters and for wearing pants long before it was fashionable, in some cases even considered appropriate, for women to do so.

She grew up in an unconventional, freethinking and highly educated family and, as an avid tomboy, especially adored her older brother Tom. She was devastated when, at 13, she found him dead, having apparently hung himself. He was a cheerful, healthy boy and there was no note; so the conclusion was that it was an accident. She mourned him for years, and admitted in her autobiography that she even adopted his birthday as her own for decades. She had 8 degrees Scorpio rising and he was a Scorpio, born November 8, 1905). She had a 26-year love affair with costar Spencer Tracy, who was married with children when they met and remained so for the decades their relationship spanned. He was also an emotionally volatile alcoholic, but she was stubbornly determined not to leave him, and in fact she was with him when he died of a heart attack at age 67. She survived him by 36 years, dying at 96 after a long struggle with Parkinson’s disease.



Salvador Dalí (born on May 11, 1904, at 8:47 am GMT in the town of Figueres, Spain) was one of the most important painters of the 20th century. He was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking, bizarre, and beautiful images in his surrealist work. Dalí’s artistic repertoire also included film, sculpture, and photography, and he collaborated with filmmakers Luis Buñuel, Walt Disney and Alfred Hitchcock. Dalí insisted that his ancestors descended from the Moors who invaded Spain in 711, and attributed to these origins, “my love of everything that is gilded and excessive, my passion for luxury and my love of oriental clothes.”

Dalí had an affinity for doing unusual things to draw attention to himself [and] his eccentric manner sometimes drew more public attention than his artwork. A versatile artist, his works include paintings, sculptures, jewelry and other objects, and he is noted for his contributions to theatre, fashion and photography, among other areas. According to the display caption for Lobster Telephone at the Tate Gallery, Dali “drew a close analogy between food and sex.”

“I am painting pictures which make me die for joy, I am creating with an absolute naturalness, without the slightest aesthetic concern, I am making things that inspire me with a profound emotion and I am trying to paint them honestly.” —Salvador Dalí