Self-Awareness for Everyone

Self-Awareness for Everyone

Latest Episodes

S4 Ep20: Why is it Healthy and Empowering to Admit “I Don’t Know”?
January 19, 2024

Not knowing things is how you grow and evolveMultiple forces are pushing the idea that I dont know makes you weak, makes you inferior, and sets you up to fail. They dont know something? Look how inferior they are because they dont know and we do.Th

S4 Ep19: In the Great Cosmic Scheme of Things, Do I – And Anything I Do – Matter?
January 12, 2024

Does anything I do Matter?The Squirrels in my brain are being major dicks at the moment. Why? Because theyre chewing on thoughts that do me no good and are almost entirely out of my control.On top of my work to be as genuine and true to myself as I can

S4 Ep18: Why Do We Need More Genuine, Non-Toxic Positivity in the World?
January 05, 2024

The world needs more genuine, non-toxic positivity to combat the fearWhether we like it or not, we live in a fear-based society. All around us are messages aimed to keep us afraid.Why? This might come across as cynical, but I cant disprove it: Because

S4 Ep17: What If There’s Nothing You Can Do About That?
December 29, 2023

Recognize and acknowledge what you do and dont (can and cant) controlThe world is at your fingertips. On the one hand, this is incredible. Only in the last two or three decades have we had the power to learn and know anything at all about any topic wh

S4 Ep16: Mindfulness Isn’t Only About The Mind
December 22, 2023

The whole body is impacted by active conscious awarenessEverything begins with thought. Thought happens on three levels unconscious, subconscious, and conscious. The unconscious is how you breathe automatically, digest, blink, and the like. The subcons

S4 Ep15: Why Is Self-Awareness and Just Being Yourself So Challenging?
December 15, 2023

Just be yourself is all well and good, butTwo of the most distressing things that dominate our society are the expectations of others and the shoulds.Early in our lives, before were even scientifically capable of self-awareness, our parents and ot

S4 Ep14: Why Be Mindful of What You Consume?
December 08, 2023

No matter what it is food, media, entertainment, drugs you have ultimate controlConsumption isnt only about food and drink. Its also about what you watch, read, listen to, see, and take in. Ours is the ultimate consumer society. Overall, people ca

S4 Ep13: Why What You Do Next Matters More than Your Initial Reaction
December 01, 2023

Undesirable, annoying, upsetting, and disappointing things happen to everyoneI recently had to deal with such a situation with the publishing of my latest book. My initial, visceral reaction to what went wrong was anger, and a desire to curse, scream, la

S4 Ep12: Empathy Empowers - Given or Received
November 24, 2023

Empathy can better the world around usThe holiday season has begun. This can be extremely difficult for many, stirring up a host of wildly different emotions.How we feel the emotions we feel differs. Feelings have both a how and why to them. Depth, sens

S4 Ep11: Self-Awareness and Mindset Matters
November 17, 2023

Mindset gives choices direction and intentWhen it comes to choices you do or dont make, your mindset will set up your outcome, at least to a degree. Its imperfect, but thats the nature of the Universe. When you go into a situation expecting a negative
