Awakening With Angels with Deborah Unipan

Awakening With Angels with Deborah Unipan

Stop Cursing Loved Ones… Your Words are Powerful ~ Dr. Deborah Unipan

October 25, 2019

Awakening With Angels ~ Dr. Deborah Unipan Radio Show Stop Cursing the ones you love because you don't realize the power of your words. When you talk about..or with others...about those around you in a negative way you are actually creating the energy to curse their lives and yours. Stop Cursing Others through Lack of Understanding. Join Dr. Deborah this week on Awakening with Angels where she will invite you into the world of angels. ~ More Awakening With Angels ~ Dr. Deborah Unipan ~ Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could see the possible outcome of an experience, by changing whether you went left instead of right, or knowing the karmic lessons that were about to befall you by your present actions were now put in motion to help you grow? Dr. Deborah Unipan is a Seer, and this is her world everyday of her life.  She sees past lives, present and future situations of the people who come across her path.  She understands why they hold onto the hurt and pain of situations in life that seem impossible to overcome. She can help them understand the lesson needed to learn in order to release the pain and blockages so they can move forward to find their joy again. Let her help you learn how to heal yourself through opening up your awareness to the understanding of your soul’s journey, its path and blueprint of your present life. Let her teach you how to know your soul, see your aura, and feel your higher self’s connection and guidance, along with connecting to your Angels, Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, and Loved Ones who have passed. Reach out to Deborah and discover how to open your awareness to a level you never knew was imaginable, opening new doors of possibilities into your present life. To get more of Awakening With Angels ~ Dr. Deborah Unipan, be sure to visit the archives page for replays of all her shows here: