Awake Church

Awake Church

Where is your faith?

July 19, 2015

Our large yet intimate heavenly Father has constructed life in such a way that those made in His image must not only believe that He is God, but that we live by faith and  behave like His Son Jesus.  Behaving like Jesus means that we have faith that leaks our of our internal belief into external action.  This is a faith that doesn't own all ironclad answers, but believes even when there are gaping holes in our understanding.  We are called to live foolishly trusting Him, as a child trusts in their parents and just as Noah built the ark and entrusted God to close the door.  The enemy uses deception, intellectualism and accusation in an attempt to contaminate our faith.  Our Faith - the very precious thing that is being purified and needed in this life and the one to come.