A Virtuous Woman

A Virtuous Woman

The Prayers of a Mother {Day 24}

September 10, 2015

From Chaos to Calm: Day Twenty-Four
The Prayers of a Mother
Scripture Memory: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
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I want to encourage you today as a mother. There are times when we as moms feel discouragement, worry, fear, or heartache. Whether it is fear for your child when he is sick or worry that he is not safe or heartache when you see your child make unwise choices, you as a mom will face days when you need the help of your Savior to pull you through doubt, fear, and sorrow.

I love Psalm 46:1. It is one of my favorite verse. The words encourage me when I feel hopelessness and fear. I can know that God knows my pain and sorrow. That he understands the worry I feel. He is there when I need Him the most.

As a young mother with only one child, being a mom often just seemed hard! My first born, was and is a very strong willed child. Taking him to the store was often unbearable and I can remember many tears shed as I wondered what to do. And while my son no longer throws himself on the floor kicking and screaming, there are new challenges every day. I thank God that my only concerns are whether he is responsible on a daily basis and completes his chores and works hard in school. My heart goes out to the mother who faces drugs, alcohol, sex, and anger. My heart goes out to the mother whose child was born with special needs. As moms, whatever the crisis we face might be, it is real and we need to go to God in prayer.

Remember to go to God in prayer daily over your children. Pray for them on days when everything seems fine and lift them up to your Heavenly Father when things seem oh so wrong. Will listen regardless and will give you wisdom as you guide and direct your child in the ways he should go.

Don’t forget to pray for your child’s future as well. Ask God to guide your child as he grows, that he might find God’s will for his life. Ask God to help him choose the one whom God would have him spend his life with. Lift up your child and pray that he draws nearer to HIM every day.

There may be times when you feel as all hope is lost for your child. Many mothers will face unforeseeable heartache. But even for those mothers who simply want their child to be respectful or who need wisdom in dealing with temper tantrums, God is there to carry you through.

“Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. (NLT)
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Extra Resources

31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children
A Prayer Calendar for Mothers
The Blessing

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