A Virtuous Woman

A Virtuous Woman

Teach Them Diligently {Day 21}

September 08, 2015

From Chaos to Calm: Day Twenty-one
Teach Them Diligently
Scripture Memory: “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9
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Instilling a love for God’s Words in the heart of your children is no doubt the greatest gift you will ever give them. It is not enough to go to church once or twice a week and hope that the lessons learned will follow your child through his lifetime. While this may be the case, what more precious time could be spent with your children then reading God’s Word and instructing them in His righteousness?

There are many ways that you can teach your children about God’s ways. Last time, we talked about a number of things you can do. Today, I want to focus on prayer and study.

From the time your baby is born you can sing songs of praise to him or read stories about the Bible aloud. My children have always loved sitting with me and reading favorite books. By keeping a nice supply of good Bible story books around the house you will encourage your child to pick them up on his own and learn about God’s love.

Our memory verse for this day tells us that God’s commands should be taught to our children when we wake up, when we are sitting together at home, and when we are walking along. In other words, we should be talking about God all day long!

I love to point out God’s goodness throughout the day. When I see His protection I say, “God is so good to watch over us!” My children hear these words and learn that God’s hand is on our lives.

When I see a butterfly or a pretty flower, I will tell my children, “God is so creative to have made such wonderful creatures and such beautiful flowers for us to look at.” My children hear these words and learn that God cares about the little enjoyments we share.

When someone makes a mistake, I like to remind everyone, “Isn’t it wonderful how Jesus came and died so that when we make a mistake all we have to do is ask forgiveness? He loves us so very much!” My children hear these words and they learn of Christ’s incredible love and grace!

Talk with your children about the lessons you have learned from God. Tell them when you learn a better way. Let your children see you pray. Let them hear you pray for them. Begin your day as a family with prayer and a short Word from God. Pray together often. Ask for special requests and petitions for the Lord. Your children have burdens just as you do that need to be lifted up to God in prayer!

Commit to having family worship in the evenings at least once a week, but every night would be even better. Use that time to sing favorite praise songs and hymns. Read Bible stories aloud and discuss the meanings found in the story. Hold hands and pray together.

Sometimes, we as moms don’t always live a life that is becoming of a Christian woman. However, if we teach our children the ways of God; if we teach our children about repentance and forgiveness; if we teach our children how to move forward day by day basking in the glorious grace of Jesus their hearts will be His.
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How do you share Jesus with your children?