A Virtuous Woman

A Virtuous Woman

Dress for Success {Day 19}

September 02, 2015

From Chaos to Calm: Day Nineteen
Dress for Success
Scripture Memory: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
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Stay at home moms sometimes struggle with their appearance. They don’t have anywhere to go - to be seen—so they grab the most comfortable pieces from their wardrobe to wear during the day. Perhaps, they stay in their pajamas unless they have to leave the house or simply throw on a pair of ugly sweat pants and a t-shirt. Hair in a pony tail and voila—mom is ready for the day. Or is she?

I will admit I love my comfy pajamas and there are days, especially in the cold of winter when I want my fleece jammies on all day just to stay warm! It’s okay to have “lazy days” every now and then. Mothers every where need them! However, if you routinely stay in your “I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this in public” outfit on a regular daily basis, you are undermining your own success at home!

Just because you stay at home does not mean your job—child rearing and homemaking—are any less important than your husband’s job in the workplace. Each morning, if you take a shower, get dressed, put on a little makeup and even take the time to style your hair, you will feel different about yourself and your life. Women feel better when they look good!

I confess that I wear a pony tail much too often. I get sick of always wearing a ponytail. I have long hair. Long hair does not go hand in hand with house work. Just imagine bending over the toilet to clean it with near waist length hair. Yeah. I have found though, that putting my hair up in an pretty bun or an intricate looking braid does not take more than just a few minutes of my time and I have a much more polished, “I care” look about myself.

I will also confess that I like to wear comfy clothes. I mean, why be miserable all day, right? But there is a way to be comfortable and still look good! When you are shopping try finding skirts that are comfortable instead of tight and restrictive or look for fashionable yoga workout clothes instead of frumpy sweat pants. I love New York Laundry brand workout clothes—they are comfortable, but if I have to leave the house during the day they look stylish enough that I can feel good about leaving the house without changing.

Being modest and humble in our dress doesn’t mean being plain or ugly. We can look fashionable without looking overdone or immodest. If you need help with your clothing selections, ask a friend who has good taste to go shopping with you!

Also, there is no reason to break the bank when shopping for clothes. In our house we have a policy to never pay full price for clothes. I ALWAYS shop the clearance racks—70 - 90%! Any less of a discount and I will walk away. We live in a small town and the thrift stores do not have much of a selection, but when I have an opportunity to go to a major city, I check out the thrift stores and can often find great name brands for dirt cheap!

Today, think about changes you can make to improve your dress and your outlook on life! Ask God to guide you in your dress. God cares about every little detail of our lives. He cares about each one of our concerns—no matter how insignificant we may believe them to be. He is our friend, our greatest confidant. You can ask Him anything!
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Do you struggle with getting "dressed" in the morning?