A Virtuous Woman

A Virtuous Woman

Your Beloved {Day 15}

August 28, 2015

From Chaos to Calm: Day Fifteen
Your Beloved
Scripture Memory: “My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.” Song of Songs 2:16
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After a while married life can get in the way of your love life! I touched on this yesterday, but I want to reinforce the importance of romantic love between you and your husband.

If you have never really read the book, Song of Songs, in the Bible, you really should! God created romance and passion. Marriage is supposed to be physically and emotionally satisfying.

As a Godly woman and as a Godly wife, you should spend time each day focusing your thoughts and efforts on your husband. Get your heart ready to receive his love in the evenings or whenever you are together. Give your love to him. Show him your love - not just with your words, but with your actions.

You have heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” This is certainly true when it comes to your husband. If you tell him you love him but then never accept his advances or initiate intimacy, he will feel neglected and even unloved.

Focus your heart toward him. Think of those special moments you and your hubby have shared together in the past. Just by thinking about your love and reasons why you love him will help you feel more like connecting with him on a physical basis when he is home.

A fun way to build intimacy together would be to read one chapter of the Song of Songs each night before going to bed. Talk about what you like about each other, how you like to be touched, what things you would like to do together, your dreams and common goals. Look forward to your future together. Set up a promise of love and commitment each night and pray together.

If you feel uncomfortable praying out loud with your husband (very common) practice praying out loud when you have your morning devotions. Learn to open up and be vulnerable with your husband. There is nothing more intimate than praying together!

By praying together you will be less likely to experience the sorrow of divorce, adultery, or other trauma in your marriage. Set the tone for your relationship. Problems don’t always go away immediately, but by changing your own attitude toward your husband, you will see a difference.
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From Chaos to Calm: 15 Weeks to a Happy Home is a daily devotion - Monday through Friday for 15 Weeks by Melissa Ringstaff. The Audio Podcast gives you extra ideas to go along with the email series or e-book.
Extra Resources

Visit TheDating Divas for lots of great ideas for dating your husband!
Read the book 31 Days to Great Sex by Shelia Wray Gregoire with your husband.
Or, read the book The Good Girl's Guide to Great Sex by the same author.

Here's an image you can pin to Pinterest or use on your own blog: (Of course, you are welcome to use the image above as well!!)

How do you show your husband you love him?