

Latest Episodes

An Auténtico conversation with Ximena Vazquez
January 20, 2022

Ven y conoce a Ximena VazquezAntes del fin de ao tuvimos la oportunidad de hablar con Ximena Vasquez Rodriguez y conocer ms sobre su experiencia en venir a St. Louis a visitar a su familia, conocer a su esposo, su creciemiento profesional, being a #TIKT

End of the year agradecimiento - 2021
January 20, 2022

So many people have supported us and shaped our lives and we couldnt be more thankful!Who are you grateful to? How do you share that? Join us for this conversation!Deja tu mensaje de voz aqu:

Conoce a Mauricio Villanueva
October 24, 2021

Mauricio is a Mexican tenor, with so much experience around the world and now, he is living in St. Louis! Find out in our conversation where you can hear him sing live!-- Mauricio es un tenor mexicano, con mucha experiencia alrededor del mundo y ahora,

Meet Fernanda Estrada
October 07, 2021

Fernanda Estrada shares her experience and journey about: Hispanic identity in the U.S. How we see ourselves? / Identidad Hispana en los Estados Unidos: cmo nos vemos a nosotros mismos?

Regresamos al aire hoy! Hablamos sobre: Hispanic identity in the U.S.
September 29, 2021

Hablando de – How we see ourselves? / Identidad Hispana en los Estados Unidos: ¿cómo nos vemos a nosotros mismos? Y tu? How do you see yourself? Your identity?

Episode- 044 What does reopening for business after COVID mean?
April 29, 2020

Is it safe to open so soon?

Episode- 043 Are You The Product of Your Environment?
February 26, 2020

In this episode we discuss the saying that we are a product of our environment and share our own experiences and thoughts.

Episode- 042 Conversation with a Free Spirited Latinx
February 19, 2020

In this episode we speak with Adriana Darris, a free spirited Latinx and very dear to our hosts. Enjoy the conversation!
