Truth News Radio Australia

Truth News Radio Australia

ABC Q&A assassinates Malcolm Roberts

September 22, 2016

In today's show we analyse the hatchet job done on Senator Malcolm Roberts by ABC's prime time Q&A show.

The Orwellian tactics of the ABC were on full display in the ABC's Q&A show on August 15, featuring Malcolm Roberts and Brian Cox. Senator Roberts was subjected to ridicule and derisive laughter all through the program, which featured a carefully chosen audience and a panel heavily stacked against the sceptical position on climate change.

We play some extended clips from the Q&A show with commentary and analysis.

Also in today's show we look at the alarming implications of a new "HIV prevention" drug which advocacy groups want to see federally subsidised. The drug, Truvada, is being promoted to "at risk" groups - eg: gay men who don't use condoms - and costs a staggering $200K a year for a treatment program.

Related Links

ABC Q&A - Experts and Empirical Evidence
Anti-HIV drug Truvada will not be listed on PBS as preventative medication