Montana News Update April 13, 2022

April 13, 2022

Cevan discusses the latest news headlines from Bozeman and around Montana for the week of April 13th!

  1. #Gallatin County Commission Approves of glamping campground in Gallatin Gateway that was built on a floodplain.
  2. #Montana State hosted Spring Rodeo in the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse over the weekend.
  3. A documentary featuring the passion for the #BrawloftheWild football game between University of Montana and Montana State in 2018.

Don't forget to check out the weekly news updates released on The AUIDEO Show Replay channel. You'll get two small bites of headline news, followed by the entire episode later on! Listen live to The AUIDEO Show every Tuesday & Thursday evening (6-7 pm MST) On AUIDEO Radio.