AudioShocker Podcasts

AudioShocker Podcasts

Podcast Vérité #18 – Put Us In The Coffin

March 12, 2014

Welcome to Podcast Vérité. The concept is simple — 3 topics, 20 minutes 32 minutes. Neal picks a topic, Nick Mike picks a topic, and you pick a topic.
Our guest for this final episode of Podcast Vérité is Mike Sorg, the host and producer of the Sorgatron Media podcasts, including the AwesomeCast (where Neal and Nick recently did a guest spot).

1. Can you just roll down to the Home Depot and pick up some day laborers? Neal’s been looking to buy some real estate instead of renting, but every place he looks at needs a lot of work. But hiring a contractor seems like a pain in the ass, so now he’s evaluating his other options.

2. Why are the action figures in the toy aisles the same characters we had 25 years ago? Mike ponders the stagnation of the action figure market, wondering why he’s still seeing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Transformers instead of new intellectual properties.
A snippet from the 2009 Lights press pack.
3. What are the worst ideas people have pitched to you? Jason Averill delivers our last listener topic, asking us to spill the beans about the most confusing collaborations and business propositions we’ve been offered over the years. Among many others, Neal and Nick talk about the time publicists tried to get the AudioShocker to promote the pop star, Lights.
Neal and Nick will be back on April 9th with their final episode, the AudioShocker Podcast #245. See you then!