At Sea with Justin McRoberts

At Sea with Justin McRoberts

Latest Episodes

Poetry & Relationship
February 02, 2023

Among the many gifts I got early in high school was an F I got on a paper from an English class, a paper that the teacher said was too poetic. What he didn't mean by that is that I had written great p

Gregory Orr
January 26, 2023

I don't remember the exact details surrounding my introduction to Gregory or his work. I do remember that upon my first reading, I was captured. In fact, one of my favorite live performance moments ev

Poetry & Control
January 19, 2023

On most Sundays, I get the privilege of gathering in my house with a group of preteens and reading through bits of the scripture and talking about them. And then praying together, it's a thing we call

Scott Cairns
January 12, 2023

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry, I could not travel them both and be one traveler, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could, to where it bent in the undergrowth, you might reco

Winter Solstice, Sick Kids, and The Incarnation
December 22, 2022

Welcome to the At Sea Podcast. I'm your host, Justin McRoberts. I'm recording this on December 21, 2022. It is the winter solstice, the day where I live that features the least amount of light. The

Depression and the Incarnation
December 16, 2022

It's possible, if not likely, that if you are remotely pop culture aware and spend any time on social media platforms, you'll see news about or posts about the death, the passing of dancer, DJ, choreo

Keith Simon : Truth Over Tribe
December 01, 2022

I'm recording this introduction a few days after Thanksgiving. And if you're listening to this when the episode comes out, it'll be roughly a week, maybe a week and a day or so after the Thanksgiving

That's Love
November 17, 2022

In 2002, I wrote and recorded a song called love. And I've been waiting to write some kind of follow-up to that song pretty much since I released it. It was a song that meant a lot to me at the time

November 11, 2022

Ive long lived with Seth Godins suggestion that art is anything you make that forges a connection between people. Over time, and in that light, Ive also come to recognize that the depth and susta

November 04, 2022

It used to confuse me when, as people talked about relationships, romantic or otherwise, they would refer to the relationship as, like a third entity, there was the person and a person, or a few peopl