

Totally Unprepared and Meandering

July 05, 2015

We're unfocused and unprepared, but cover topics from awkward weddings to the recent SCOTUS decision to allow all people to get married to whoever they love. Deep topics considering the amount of beer consumed to record this episode.
We're a couple of bleeding heart liberals, so of course we support the Supreme Court, but mostly we're excited to be able to stop talking about an issue that is so insanely obvious and should've never been a discussion to begin with. Let's bring on the next issues.
We hand out some advice to those in need, including to young married couples dealing with mysterious pasts and what boundaries to cross with your exes. Bonus question: How do I know whether or not my friend is lying about having cancer?
We broadcast live on Wednesdays at 9PM Central at Call our voicemail at 832-819-3867.