Atmospheres Archives - RADIO MYSTIC

Atmospheres Archives - RADIO MYSTIC

Atmospheres 038: Sportin the Green!

March 17, 2012

Sportin' the Green for St. Patty's Day!

Hope you’re sportin’ the Green today! It’s a special Celtic-inspired show in honor of St. Patrick’s Day weekend 2012.

GOVANNEN – The Kesh-Morrison’s Jig
BRIDGET MCMAHON – The Curragh of Kildare
RUAIDHRI – Cerredwen
LLEWELYN – Magick of Trees
GOVANNEN – Celtic Fire

Special thanks to Betty and the gang at PARADISE MUSIC for generously providing the music in this episode. Check out their site at ( – that’s also where you can find all of the artists you’ll hear in this episode of Atmospheres.