Athlete Emerging

Athlete Emerging

Ep 25 – Racing Into the Holidays

November 26, 2014

It's Thanksgiving, and another milestone!  This episode includes my strategies for staying on track during the gluttony fest, excited progress from my recent obstacle course race, and updates on how my training is going with Coach Jen, now 2 1/2 weeks into her big changes.

I also wanted to share with you that Jen and Nicole are having a Black Friday Sale for 2015 Phat Camp registrations... Save up to $100!  I'll be there next year, will you? Check it out at

Mentioned in this episode:

Rugged Maniac Race -

The Original Mud Run -

Spartan Sprint -

Coaching with Jen -

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the podcast, and how your transformational journeys are going.  You can reach me by email at, and on twitter, Instagram, and Two Grand (food diary app), as @AthleteEmerging.

Also, if you're enjoying the podcast, one of the best ways to help others find it is to leave a rating and review on iTunes.  You can do that at  Thanks!!