

ASP010: Podfading and this podcast goes on hiatus - Aspiebloggen

March 28, 2015

Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 10. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode I talk about podfading and how this podcast will go on hiatus.
This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but that will all change now.
Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. My website is at There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in Swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in English.
Now let’s get started.
Todays episode is brought to you by the letter G.
So what is podfading. Well as the name suggests it is when podcast episodes start to be released on later dates than they should and more time passes between them. Well I would like to add that the spirit to continue the podcast just isn’t there anymore and the quality of the episodes that do come out isn’t at the same level as older episodes. What does this have to do with this podcast I here you ask? Well I’ve never really had the drive needed when making this podcast and now I realize that it’s time I stop fooling myself. Basically what I’m saying is that if I can’t bring this podcast the passion it deserves then I shouldn’t podcast. It is better to wait until I can give it my best.
I will continue blogging but I wont write as big posts as the scripts for this show. I hope that I will be able to come back later in 2015 but until my disability pension is approved I don’t really have any energy for anything so I would rather spend the little energy I have on other stuff and hold off on this podcast until I have more energy. But unless something remarkable happens before this podcast goes live then I don’t have any audience that will miss me when I’m gone so no one starting to listen later will even notice it unless they look at the post dates. Yes I’m writing this on the same day as episode 8 which I should be finishing.
I will not delete anything and I hope that iTunes allows for podfading so I don’t get unlisted. But if that happens I’ll just reapply. It wasn’t hard the first time. I never did list the podcast in any other directory other that Blubrry’s so no worries there.
If you want to contact me then comment on my blog over at or use the feedback form. The shownotes for this episode will be at And that will be all for now. Until next time, whenever that might be, take care.

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