

ASP008: Jordan Oven and his mental breakdown - Aspiebloggen

March 15, 2015

While i never did an update episode about this i later learned that i should not be using Davis Aurini as a source or perhaps not Matt Forney either due to what went down after this episode was made, based on a quick glance at the show notes most of this episode still seems accurate since it doesn't really deal with their documentary which i have not seen.


Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast episode 8. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode what I think about Jordan Owen and his resent mental breakdown.

This is the podcast where I bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long I have not voiced my opinions on the things that matter to me but that will all change now.

Some of what I will bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff since that is what my blog is about, but most will be my opinions on things and what is going on in my life. My website is at There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in Swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in English.

Now let's get started.

Todays episode is brought to you by the letter U.

So I was listening to episode 75 of The Matt Forney show and the topic was about Jordan Owen, one of the two people working on a documentary called the Sarkeesian Effect, which is or I should say was about social justice warriors and how they use their professional victimhood for profit. The name comes from Anita Sarkeesian who has been very successful at scamming people with her lies about sexism in video games.

Well the documentary might never happen since Jordan had a breakdown and ditched the project. Why? Well because Davis Aurini who was the other man working on the video is friends with Roosh V, who runs the blog Return Of Kings and Jordan has issues regarding the content of that blog. Most of it seems to concern women and dating and Jordan's problems in that area and also the subject called game.

Well Jordan feels that using game to coerce women into dating and of course sex is wrong and that it is basically like rape since the women are “tricked” into doing something they don't really want. My game is non-existent but even I know that that is not what game is. Game is just a way to present yourself in as good way as possible to achieve the goals that when reached will be of benefit to both partners. The fact that many women end up regretting it has nothing to do with it. Regretting something after it has happened doesn't change the fact that when it happened both parts agreed to it.

I don't normally talk about dating due to my inexperience on the subject but after hearing his truly disturbing opinions I had to speak up. Like Jordan I'm a fat slob and for the reasons I talked about in the last episode I'm unable to change that. I know that going low carb and to the gym would work miracles on my physic but it is more than I am capable of doing right now.

Jordan thinks that women should flock to you regardless of how you look and that if they don't then you deserve to die childless and alone and that nothing should ever be done to change womens opinion on you, IE get better looking and such. Well screw you Jordan. Now I would also like women to throw themselves in my arms but I do know how attraction work and realize that I'm not that attractive. Jordans opinion is that a man regardless of BMI should just wait for women to show up and if that doesn't happen then that is OK. But you should never try to make yourself more attractive and learn how to talk to women, oh no that is creepy. Well I've tried the whole waiting thing and it is not working and I don't expect it to work anytime soon. Fat people are not attractive to me nor most people and the way to fix that is not to change peoples opinions on fat people but to not be fat.