

ASP002: Things i learned about starting a podcast - Aspiebloggen

January 24, 2015

Hello and welcome to Aspiebloggen podcast. I am your host Tommy Eriksson. In todays episode: Things i learned about starting a podcast.
This is the podcast where i bring you my views on things, in an attempt to let my voice be heard and to grow my confidence. For too long my voice has not been heard and my views are mostly unknown, but not anymore.
Most of what i’ll bring up will be about asperger and autism related stuff, but other stuff will most certainly be discussed. My website is at There you will find the show notes for each episode as well my other blog posts. The blog itself is in swedish but this podcast and the corresponding show notes will always be in english.
Now let’s get started.
Todays episode is brought to you by the letter L.
Wow one week has past since the first episode and not one day has gone by without me thinking about what i have gotten myself into. Anyways it feels good but still strange to finally be up and running. So much work had to be done but now all i have to do is to maintain it and that will be much easier.
But i’m not that fond of how the first episode turned out and while i didn’t really know how to fix it, here are some things that i learned while making it and later:
Take you time to prepare:
I wanted the episode to air last saturday since it would have been my fathers birthday. Had he been alive he would have been 74. Well i started late and finished editing after midnight hence why it appears to be from sunday but i still consider saturday the 17 to be the official launch day of the podcast. Might as well make it clear now for the sake of anniversaries.
Prepare your talking points:
Last time i did have a scripted beginning that has been slightly altered for this and future episodes but then i went unscripted for the rest. I’m not saying that unscripted is bad but i should have written down something more. This episode is entirely scripted but that might chance or future episodes. Now i know i forgot stuff but can’t for the moment remember what. If i remember after beginning recording i’ll put it in the show-notes. Well one thing came to me so that will be next point.
This podcast will not have swearing in it. The first version i posted claimed it would have that but after listening to episode 138 of TAP i realized that swearing might not be such a good idea and it certainly isn’t necessary for this podcast. I listen to a lot of youtube videos that have swearing in them so i’m not that sensitive to it and therefor didn’t mind including it. But having learned now at least one view on swearing and noticed that so far on 2 episodes i have only cursed twice, and that was all in the first episode, i now feel like keeping swearing out of this podcast wont be difficult and therefor i will strive to do it. It will probably turn out for the best in the long run. Should i see a need for profanity, for instance if some guest will be on the show that has a style of talking that does include a lot of profanity then i will mark that particular episode as explicit in some way. But otherwise this podcast will be clean.
This does mean that this episode has a new section to it. Thankfully, if that is the right word, i don’t think anyone has downloaded any episode so i rerecorded the part about swearing for this episode and will update the show notes that will also include the original shownotes. I also never deleted the work-files for audacity so i didn’t have to recompress the audio. I could just make a new file.
But i did have do that for the first episode. Due to the filesize i don’t keep the work-files, that’s the files called something.aup and the corresponding folder. So for episode one i had to edit the mp3 and then reupload it.