The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast

The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast

Omega 3 and 6 - Which do you need and which should you avoid?

July 13, 2014

On the Ask Prof Noakes Podcast today we discuss omega 3 and 6. Brad Brown asks Prof Noakes what the difference is between omega 3 and 6. The question deals with Omega’s. Which of the Omega 3 and 6 are good and which are bad? Which should you be seeking out and where would you find them and which ones should you be avoiding?

Omegas 6’s have come into the diet because of the vegetable oils which are so prevalent in all foods.  In pretty much any processed food you’ll essentially find hydrogenated vegetable oils. That is why you really need to be cautious when eating processed foods. That’s another reason why you shouldn’t eat processed foods.

Omega 3 and 6 – Where do they come from?

They came into the diet after 1912, and their prevalence dramatically increased. And it’s thought that they (as I’ve said) are toxic for your body. Omega 3’s on the other hand have gone out of the diet because they’re present in fish.

They are also in pasture-raised animals and in pasture-raised dairy. So if your dairy is from pasture-raised animals, it will be full of omega 3 as will be the meat of those animals. READ MORE