The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast

The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast

Low carb fruits on the LCHF diet - What fruit can you eat?

July 01, 2014

We have been getting many questions in for Professor Tim Noakes around what food you can eat on the LCHF diet. Today’s question is on the Ask Prof Noakes podcast revolves around low carb fruits. Brad Brown asks Prof Noakes today what the role of fruit is on the low carb high fat diet and particularly if there are any low carb fruits that you are able to eat while on the LCHF diet.

Prof Tim Noakes: That is a great question because everyone believes that fruit is beneficial, more beneficial for example than vegetables, but they’re not. Vegetables, particularly the leafy vegetables, are nutrient dense and they give you lots of nutrients and little carbohydrate. They’re ideal.

The Low Carb Fruits You Can Eat

However, if you want some fruit, and people that are not too sick or diabetic certainly can have some fruit. The low carb fruits to stick with are raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. The berries are full of nutrients with low carbohydrates. READ MORE