The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast

The Ask Prof Noakes Podcast

I’ll eat like this until I’ve lost weight, then I can go back to eating normal

June 16, 2014

If you have ever uttered the words “I’ll eat like this until I’ve lost weight, then I can go back to eating normal”, this podcast is for you. Many people approach their weight loss journey this way. I asked Professor Tim Noakes his opinion on this thinking when someone approaches a so called ‘diet’

Prof Tim Noakes: The High Fat Diet really begins back in 1852 with a guy called Banting. That is why it is called the Banting Diet. I think most people today however recognise the name Atkins.

Atkins wrote the best diet book in 1972, it was an absolutely astonishing book which should be read by everyone. It was called The Diet Revolution (You can get a copy here). In that book he says for the first time that if you want to get off my diet and go back to what you are already eating, forget it, this is not going to help you.

My opinion is that if you are carbohydrate intolerant, you will always be fat as long as you are eating more carbohydrates than , body can metabolise. That is the point. The key to this diet is that your hunger is regulated, it reduces your calorie intake and it makes you eat just enough carbohydrate that you can metabolise. READ MORE