Ask Dr. Love

Ask Dr. Love

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How To Cheat Proof Your Relationship - Sep 13,2012
September 13, 2012

When most people think of cheating, they assume that cheating is the problem when, in fact, it is merely a symptom of deeper relationship issues. Just as a headache can be a symptom of a wide variety of maladies, including spinal misalignment, hormone or

Top 10 Ways To Handle Verbal Abuse - Sep 05,2012
September 05, 2012

Does verbal abuse have your relationship by the throat? Do you secretly fear that you are the victim of verbal abuse? Are you a verbal abuser, and don't even know it? To answer any of these questions, you first need to be clear on what verbal abuse is. I

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August 30, 2012

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Top 10 Ways To Keep Love Alive - Aug 14,2012
August 14, 2012

Is your relationship stuck in a rut? Has your love grown staler than last week's bread? Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to keep the love fires burning, no matter how long you've been together. Few couples can say that they did NOT love each ot

Why Didn’t It Work Out With Your Ex? - Aug 07,2012
August 07, 2012

Did your ex have more emotional baggage than even a baggage handler could handle? Many relationships fail not because the partners were incompatible but because Old Scars from childhood actually destroyed their bond! When a relationship fails, its import

Are You In Love or Lust? - Aug 01,2012
July 31, 2012

NOTICE: This show had to be rescheduled from July 24th to July 31st due to a local power outage. Have you ever wondered if you are truly in love or only in lust? In the wee hours of the morning, do you worry that you (or your partner) may not have the ki

Is Your Psychological Health in Ship Shape? - Jul 18,2012
July 17, 2012

Did you know that you can't be physically healthy or enjoy healthy relationships when your own psychological health isn't tip-top? And have you also noticed that many people don't visit the doctor until they are sick? The same is true when it comes to ps

Is He Or She Interested In Me? - Jul 11,2012
July 10, 2012

Let's face it. Nobody wants to leap off the ledge of love and risk falling flat on his/her face and puncturing an ego, No matter whether you're young or old, and no matter how much life experience you have, it's often hard to tell whether the person you

What’s Your Relationship IQ? Measuring Your "Heart Smarts" - Jul 04,2012
July 03, 2012

Everyone's heard of an IQ, or an “Intelligence Quotient.” We all know that we have one, and most people would prefer to have at least a normal or above average IQ. But when it comes to relationships, a high IQ score is no measure of how smart you are
