Ask A Man

Ask A Man

3. The Indisputable Foundation part 2 :The 3 Connections

September 01, 2014

This is it! The heart and soul of what we all look for in a
relationship! What we crave, not just as men or as women, but as human beings.
Find out what they are!

- We must understand that we as humans are social by nature.
How this effects our relationships? (1:56)

- Lets get down to it! What are the 3 connections to a
long-term, successful, happy relationship? (4:51)

- What it truly means to have a physical connection with a
person and why it always comes first? (5:44)

- Establishing a solid mental connection. Why it is so
important and why it is the most overlooked of the 3 connections? (10:25)

- How important is having an emotional connection and what
happens if one isn't there? (16:13)

- The connections do not have to be exactly the same. They
can be congruent, but never clashing. (21:42)

- Three points to give you clarity on how the 3 connections
work in everyday life. (23:06)

- Three questions that you can ask yourself and your
counterpart in order to identify your connections with that person. (25:51)

- Go in depth and make sure you constantly keep track of your
ever-changing connections. (29:59)