Asher Strategies Radio

Asher Strategies Radio

Latest Episodes

Shift Your Mind
August 31, 2020

You are a super-prepared salesperson.  You’ve acquired deep knowledge of your products, your markets, your customers – even your competition. In doing so, you’ve placed yourself well ahead of many salespeople who don’t put in the time to be a knowledge ..

How Not to Look and Sound Like an Idiot During Online Meetings
August 16, 2020

You didn’t look at the time on your phone because it was stuck to your ear listening to a customer drone on in excruciating detail how he wants the installation to go and suddenly in a panic, you realize you’re late to an online staff call your boss set..

Developing an eCommerce Strategy is Easier than Ever
August 03, 2020

eCommerce revenues have grown remarkably over the last decade and in the current environment, online purchases are accelerating exponentially.  According to eCommerce experts, shoppers are spending at least a third of their budgets online.  There are ex..

How Inferior or Superior Sales Posturing Leads to Lost Sales
July 29, 2020

If your closing results are soft, maybe it’s something you’ve forgotten how to do. There are three types of sales posturing and only one leads to more closed sales: equal sales posturing.  Stop being a weak apologist or arrogant, buy now or I’m done wit..

How to Lead a Sales Team in an Economic Downturn
July 13, 2020

Orders are down. Margins are down. Morale is down. It’s difficult being a field salesperson right now, but it might be even more difficult being a sales leader. Temporary measures are running out and the front office is calling for help. As a sales lead..

The Purpose of a Salesperson
June 28, 2020

In 2019 the Business Roundtable, with the support of nearly 200 CEOs, redefined the purpose of a corporation from serving shareholders to promoting an economy that serves all Americans. The goal was to encourage businesses to reflect the way corporation..

How to Spend Less Time Researching and More Time Selling
June 14, 2020

Years ago, John Asher identified a major problem in the shift from prospecting to selling: insufficient research. Many salespeople try to make the first contact with potential buyers without doing the homework necessary to even get a meeting, let alone ..

What Small Business Leaders Can Learn from Billion-Dollar Entrepreneurs
May 31, 2020

As a small business owner or leader, you’ve got your hands full. You’ve built the company up to where it’s successful, but you’re having trouble breaking through to the next level. You’re spending so much time on budget and personnel issues that your lo..

How to Make the Decision to Sell Through Distribution – 11 Minute Podcast with Andrew Chisholm
May 29, 2020

Are you considering selling through distribution partners? It’s important to know what you’re getting into and hear expert advice before you make a decision. This program is for Presidents and Sales Managers. What matters most to success in sales throug..

The Five Most Common Mistakes in Sales
May 17, 2020

  If you’re new to sales you’ve quickly discovered it’s a lot harder than it looks. You also could be struggling in your current sales position and don’t know why. Since you’re both professionals either coming to the plate for the first time or in a slum.